Afternoon Playtime

Yesterday afternoon, Garfield and Snowball were playing on their cat tree condo. I had them chasing after a cat toy wand but Snowball decided to lay on the toy, which left the wand and string dangling off the side. Garfield decided to play with the wand part since he couldn’t get the toy. I guess that’ll do, ha.






Dirty Litter Pan

Anyone hungry? One of my coworkers made this one day and brought it in to work. If you didn’t know already, I am a veterinary technician at a cat-only animal hospital. It looks so gross but tasted so good! It was yellow cake with frosting and dyed sugar crystals on top which is supposed to look like crystal cat litter if you’re familiar with that. Oh, and the smeared “poop” on the side? Tootsie rolls!


Been Away for a While…

I apologize for being inactive for quite some time! Life has been busy(in a good kind of way). But I’m hoping to keep posting on a more regular basis. I have tons of pictures to share, but I’ll post them over time so it doesn’t get so overwhelming. I am posting from my phone now instead of the computer(it finally bit the dust and I’m waiting for the right moment to buy or build a new one). Plus the quality of the pictures seems better on my phone than my actual camera!